
  1. Flickery Meaning
  2. Flickering
  3. Flickery Vision
  4. Fluckery Urban Dictionary

Adriana Costa is a professional make-up artist based in Doha. Having worked for events, photoshoots, hairdressers, and individuals as a freelancer, Adriana has extended her. Generally speaking, the majority of users won't experience significant difficulties installing or upgrading to Windows 10. However, building an operating system that runs across thousands of.

Any North American woodpecker of the genus Colaptes, esp C. Auratus (yellow-shafted flicker), which has a yellow undersurface to the wings and tail Word Origin for flicker C19: perhaps imitative of the bird's call. Characters are one of the many features that appear in the game Flicker. Watch sky go on tv via tablet. At the start of a game, you're allowed to choose a character type, Male, Female, LGBTQ+, or Random, which assigns you a completely random character and is ultimately the default option. Re: WinMove for window resize is 'flickery' Post by jeeswg » Wed May 09, 2018 12:46 pm - Even with the built-in Explorer resizing (dragging on the corners etc) it appears to flicker.

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flick·er 1

1. To move waveringly; flutter: shadows flickering on the wall.
a. To burn or shine unsteadily or fitfully: The candle flickered before sputtering out.
b. To be displayed with fluctuating brightness: A movie flickered on the screen.
3. To appear briefly: A smile flickered on her face.
2. An inconstant or wavering light.
3. A brief or slight sensation: a flicker of doubt.
[Middle English flikeren, to flutter, from Old English flicerian.]

flick·er 2

Flickery Meaning

Any of various large woodpeckers of the genus Colaptes of the Americas, having a long tail and large feet and often foraging on the ground, especially C. auratus, the northern flicker.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈflɪkə) vb
1. (intr) to shine with an unsteady or intermittent light: a candle flickers.
2. (intr) to move quickly to and fro; quiver, flutter, or vibrate
5. a swift quivering or fluttering movement
6. (Electronics) a visual sensation, often seen in a television image, produced by periodic fluctuations in the brightness of light at a frequency below that covered by the persistence of vision
7. (Film) the flickers (plural) the US equivalent of flick22
[Old English flicorian; related to Dutch flikkeren, Old Norse flökra to flutter]


(ˈflɪkə) n
(Animals) any North American woodpecker of the genus Colaptes, esp C. auratus (yellow-shafted flicker), which has a yellow undersurface to the wings and tail
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈflɪk ər)
1. to shine with a wavering light: The candle flickered in the wind.
3. to flutter.
v.t. n.
5. an unsteady flame or light.
7. a brief appearance or feeling: a flicker of interest.
[before 1000; Middle English flikeren (v.), Old English flicorian to flutter, c. Dutch flikkeren]


(ˈflɪk ər)
any of several North American woodpeckers of the genus Colaptes, having yellow or red underwings: now usu. considered a single species, C. auratus.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: flickered
Gerund: flickering
I flicker
you flicker
he/she/it flickers
we flicker
you flicker
they flicker
I flickered
you flickered
he/she/it flickered
we flickered
you flickered
they flickered
Present Continuous
I am flickering
you are flickering
he/she/it is flickering
we are flickering
you are flickering
they are flickering
Present Perfect
I have flickered
you have flickered
he/she/it has flickered
we have flickered
you have flickered
they have flickered
Past Continuous
I was flickering
you were flickering
he/she/it was flickering
we were flickering
you were flickering
they were flickering
Past Perfect
I had flickered
you had flickered
he/she/it had flickered
we had flickered
you had flickered
they had flickered
I will flicker
you will flicker
he/she/it will flicker
we will flicker
you will flicker
they will flicker
Future Perfect
I will have flickered
you will have flickered
he/she/it will have flickered
we will have flickered
you will have flickered
they will have flickered
Future Continuous
I will be flickering
you will be flickering
he/she/it will be flickering
we will be flickering
you will be flickering
they will be flickering
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been flickering
you have been flickering
he/she/it has been flickering
we have been flickering
you have been flickering
they have been flickering
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been flickering
you will have been flickering
he/she/it will have been flickering
we will have been flickering
you will have been flickering
they will have been flickering
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been flickering
you had been flickering
he/she/it had been flickering
we had been flickering
you had been flickering
they had been flickering
I would flicker
you would flicker
he/she/it would flicker
we would flicker
you would flicker
they would flicker
Past Conditional
I would have flickered
you would have flickered
he/she/it would have flickered
we would have flickered
you would have flickered
they would have flickered
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Noun1.flicker - a momentary flash of light
glint, spark
2.flicker - North American woodpecker
peckerwood, woodpecker, pecker - bird with strong claws and a stiff tail adapted for climbing and a hard chisel-like bill for boring into wood for insects
Colaptes auratus, yellowhammer, yellow-shafted flicker - large flicker of eastern North America with a red neck and yellow undersurface to wings and tail
Colaptes chrysoides, gilded flicker - southwestern United States bird like the yellow-shafted flicker but lacking the red neck
Colaptes caper collaris, red-shafted flicker - western United States bird with red undersurface to wings and tail
3.flicker - the act of moving back and forth
movement, motility, motion, move - a change of position that does not entail a change of location; 'the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise'; 'movement is a sign of life'; 'an impatient move of his hand'; 'gastrointestinal motility'
Verb1.flicker - move back and forth very rapidly; 'the candle flickered'
move back and forth - move in one direction and then into the opposite direction
2.flicker - shine unsteadily; 'The candle flickered'
beam, shine - emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light; 'The sun shone bright that day'; 'The fire beamed on their faces'
3.flicker - flash intermittently; 'The lights flicked on and off'
flash, twinkle, wink, winkle, blink - gleam or glow intermittently; 'The lights were flashing'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1.twinkle, flash, sparkle, flare, shimmer, gutter, glimmerFirelight flickered on the faded furnishings.
2.flutter, waver, quiver, vibrateHer eyelids flickered then opened.
1.glimmer, flash, spark, flare, gleamI saw the flicker of flames.
Flicker pictures
2.trace, drop, breath, spark, atom, glimmer, vestige, iotaHe felt a flicker of regret.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To move quickly, lightly, and irregularly like a bird in flight:
2. To shine with intermittent gleams:
nounA sudden quick light:
blink, coruscation, flash, glance, gleam, glimmer, glint, spark, twinkle, wink.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
إرْتِجاف، ذَبْذَبَهيَتَذَبْذَبيَتَرَجْرَج، يَتَحَرَّك، يَرْتَسِم
fær hratt og létt, bregîa fyrirflöktaflöktandi ljós/logi
alevbelirip kaybolmaktitrek bir ışıkla yanmaktitrek ışık


1. [of light, eyelid] → parpadeom; [of flame] → destellom
2. (= hint) a flicker of amusement crossed his facepor un momento se atisbó en su rostro una expresióndivertida
a flicker of surprise/dismay crossed his facepor un momento en su rostro pudo verse un atisbo de sorpresa/consternación
she said it without a flicker of expressionlo dijo sin inmutarse
without a flicker of regretsin el menorsigno de arrepentimiento
they showed barely a flicker of interestapenasdieronmuestras de interés
B.VI [light] → parpadear; [flame] → vacilar; [snake's tongue] → vibrar
the candle flickered and went outla velaparpadeó y se apagó
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[light] → danser, vaciller
The light flickered → La lumièrevacillait.
[television] (with poor picture quality)scintiller; (be on)être allumé(e)
A smile flickered across his face → Un sourire a traversé son visage.
[light] → lueurf
a flicker of light → une brèvelueur
(= slight feeling) [regret, hope] → lueurf; [concern, interest] → soupçonmflick knife n(British)couteaum à cran d'arrêt, cranm d'arrêt
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vi (flame, candle, light)flackern; (TV)flimmern; (needle on dial)zittern; (eyelid)flattern, zucken; the snake’s tongue flickered in and outdie Schlangezüngelte; a smile flickered across his faceein Lächelnhuschteüber seinGesicht; his eyes flickered toward(s) the doorer blicktekurzzurTür
n (of flame, candle, light)Flackernnt; (of TV)Flimmernnt; (of needle on dial)Zitternnt; (of eyelid)Flatternnt; a flicker of hopeein Hoffnungsschimmerm; without so much as the flicker of a smileohne (auch nur) den Anflug eines Lächelns
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1.n (of light, flame) → tremolio; (of eyelid) → battito; (of hope) → barlumem
a flicker of light → un brevebagliore
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈflikə) verb
1. to burn unsteadily. the candle flickered. flikker يَتَذَبْذَب мъждея tremeluzir plápolat, třepotat se flackern blafre τρεμοπαίζω, τρεμοφέγγωvacilar hubisema سو سو زدن lepattaa vacillerהבהוב चमकना treptati pislákol berkedip-kedip flökta tremolare ゆらめく (빛이) 깜박이다 mirgėti, spingsėti mirgot; ņirbēt berkedip-kedip flikkerenblafre, flimre, flakke migotać وروستی رپ tremeluzir a pâlpâi мерцать blikať plapolati treperiti flämta, fladdra ริบหรี่ titrek bir ışıkla yanmak 閃爍 мигтіти, мерехтіти جھلملا کر جلنا lập loè; bập bùng 闪烁
2. to move quickly and unsteadily. A smile flickered across her face. flikker يَتَرَجْرَج، يَتَحَرَّك، يَرْتَسِم трепкам tremeluzir mihnout se flackern glimte τρεμοπαίζωparpadear, temblar, vacilar vilksatama تند حرکت دادن häivähtää voltiger לַנוע הֵנָה וָהֵנָה आना-जाना titrati vibrál tampak sekilas fær(ast) hratt og létt, bregða fyrir guizzare ちらちらする 실룩거리다, 살짝 떠오르다 virptelėti, perbėgti plaiksnīties; uzplaiksnīt tampak sekilas bewegenspille, flimre, glimte migotać, przemknąć په سرعت کی حرکت کول adejar. a licări мелькнуть preblesknúť spreleteti titrati skymta, glimta till ขยับอย่างรวดเร็ว belirip kaybolmak 閃現 тремтіти, коливатися ہلکے سے نمایاں ہونا thoáng qua 闪现
an unsteady light or flame. the flicker of an oil lamp. flikker إرْتِجاف، ذَبْذَبَه трептене bruxuleio plápolání das Flackern blafren τρεμούλιασμαparpadeo, titileo hubin لرزش lepatus lumière tremblotante הבהוב आशा की किरण treperenje, podrhtavanje (kis) reszkető fény nyala kelip-kelip flöktandi ljós/logi guizzo/tremolio di una candela ちらちらする光 흔들거리는 불길 mirksėjimas, spingsėjimas mirgoņa; ņirboņa; uzplaiksnījums nyala kelip-kelip flikkerend licht blafrende/flimrende lys, glimt mruganie اهتزاز bruxuleio pâlpâit мерцание blikanie plapolanje, migetanje treperenje flämtande, fladdrande แสงหรือไฟที่ริบหรี่ titrek ışık, alev 閃爍不定 блимання, мерехтіння جھلملاتی ہوئی روشنی یا لو ánh sáng lung linh 闪烁不定

Flickery Vision

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


v. fluctuar, vacilar; [to quiver] oscilar; causar una sensación visual de contraste con interrupción de la luz.

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