Apollo Cloud

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Hello, I Hope all good.

Recently at Skuad I have worked on one of the iOS applications where we had used GraphQL to query for network data from firebase using GraphQL client instead of RESTful APIs.

The entire project based on Apollo iOS Client which writes GraphQL query and apollo client takes care of requesting & caching of network data which operates over a single endpoint using HTTP.

Export indesign to publisher. Well, there's no need to hesitate, as Affinity Publisher can import InDesign IDML files as of the Affinity 1.8 update. This is an amazing addition, especially if you have a substantial body of work that you've developed in Adobe InDesign and want to move it from InDesign to Affinity Publisher. And, thankfully, the process is super user-friendly! InDesign allows you to create, preflight, and publish documents for print and digital media. The desktop publishing and typesetting software application can be used to create posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, eBooks, interactive PDFs, newspapers, presentations, and more. A lower cost but more painful way is to create a pdf of the Publisher files open in Illistrator and them copy and paste into Indesign. May be a lot of work or not depending on how complex the document is. Or edit the file in Illustrator and place in ID if you need to. If you have a document created by a client or business associate in Adobe InDesign, and you need to convert it to Microsoft Publisher so that you can print it or edit it further, you have to use.

In this article, we will discuss how to set up the Firebase Cloud Function along with the apollo server via apollo-server-express which pairs well with Firebase cloud functions.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL, on the other hand, is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs, and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data.

What is Firebase Cloud Functions?

Cloud Functions for Firebase is a serverless framework that lets you automatically run backend code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests.

What is Apollo Client?

Platform which gives the implementation of GraphQL which transfers data between the server (i.e In the tutorial it is Firebase Cloud Functions) and client (iOS App).

NOTE: We assume you know basic of firebase CLI and setting up Node projects.

Create a Firebase project

Select Firebase Features

We have to select Functions to configure and deploy our cloud functions.

Configure project setup

Select Create a new project or use the existing one if you already created it from the firebase console.

Configure functions setup

The language which we like to use to write Cloud Functions.We are using javascript for this tutorials.

Install node modules & apollo server express dependencies

After project initialization cd to functions dir

Now let’s jump into the functions directory and update it step by step to serve our GraphQL API.

Step 1: Expose express API

In index.js, import express from the express app which will go to the onRequest() argument for an HTTP function.

Step 2: Construct a schema

In schema/schema.js, import gql from apollo-server-express and create a variable called typeDefs for your schema:

NOTE: We are using standard contact schema for these tutorials.

The schema will go inside the gql function (between the backticks). The language we’ll use to write the schema is GraphQL’s schema definition language (SDL). Reference

Step 3: Connect to firebase database

In database/database.js, import admin from firebase-admin for the connection between Firebase and our server app.

Step 4: Provide Resolvers

Resolvers provide the instructions for turning a GraphQL operation (a query, mutation, or subscription) into data.

Resolvers copy your TypeDefs and communicate with Apollo Server to find our data.

Find more about resolvers here. Official Reference


Step 4: Connecting schema and resolvers to Apollo Server

Here we update index.js, to connect schema and resolvers with our Apollo Server.

Step 5: Import data in firebase console

Apollo Cloud 2 Duo Storage Tool

Add few data to Realtime database to import it in firebase console

Step 6: Test it locally using the emulator

To run the Cloud Functions emulator, use the emulators:start command: Reference

Now we should have a local URL like http://localhost:5001///graphql

Open this local URL in the browser to view the GraphQL Apollo web interface.

Step 7: Deploy it on Firebase

Run this command to deploy our functions i.e graphql on Firebase

That’s it. We are done and we successfully deployed our first Firebase Cloud Functions with GraphQL using Apollo Server.

Apollo Cloud Service

  • Check out working github repo here Firebase Graphql Apollo Server
  • Check out working GraphQL Client iOS app which consumes this server app Contacts iOS App Using Apollo GraphQL Server

Apollo App

NOTE: Cloud Functions only handle one request per instance which may be not good for scaling and to handle a large number of requests, so the above approach not recommended for the production environment.